Startseite LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Geldbörse-Premium Leder
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Wallet - Premium Leather - LORZOR
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LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Geldbörse-Premium Leder

Regulärer Preis $53.80 Verkaufspreis $29.99
Titel: Kohleschwarz

*AirTag is not included with the product; AirTag is sold separately by Apple.

Never Lose Your Wallet Again — LORZOR men's wallet for AirTag has an integrated holder designed for AirTag.
Stylish & Spacious Design
Premium Leather
RFID Anti-Theft Function
Great Gift for Men

Verlieren Sie nie wieder Ihre Brieftasche-LORZOR Herren brieftasche für AirTag hat einen integrierten Halter für AirTag. Setzen Sie Ihren AirTag in die eingebaute Halter hülle, dann können Sie Ihre Brieftasche über Find My APP verfolgen und Sie werden Ihre Brieftasche nie wieder verlieren! (Air Tag nicht enthalten)

Stilvolles & geräumiges Design-Diese Herren brieftasche für AirTag verfügt über 2 externe Kreditkarten zugänge, ohne die Brieftasche zu öffnen, 10 Kartens ch litze für 12 Karten, 2 versteckte Geld taschen, 1 Ausweis fenster, eine eingebaute Airbag tasche, einfach, Ihr Bargeld und Ihre Karten zu klassifizieren. Passt perfekt in jede Hosentasche ohne Ausbeulung.

Premium LederDiese Brieftaschen sind robust, langlebig und reißfest. Zuverlässiger ohne Verformung.

RFID Anti-Diebstahl-Funktion-Unsere RFID-Geldbörsen für AirTag sind mit fortschritt licher RFID SECURE-Technologie ausgestattet, die aus einem einzigartigen Metall verbund werkstoff besteht, der speziell für die Blockierung von RFID-Signalen mit 13,56 MHz oder höher entwickelt wurde und vor Daten diebstahl durch RFID-und NFC-Scanner schützt.

Tolles Geschenk für Männer-Mit einem schlanken, langlebigen Design. Diese Herren brieftasche für den Airbag eignet sich für Männer jeden Alters bei der Arbeit, Eliten, Vatertag geschenke, Treffen mit Geschäfts-und Freizeit männern und minimalist ischen Lebensstil, der den Charme verschiedener Anlässe demonstriert; Die elegante verpackte Geschenk box macht es zu einem perfekten Geschenk für jemanden, der etwas Besonderes ist.

Our brand's tone of blending innovation, transcending the everyday, pushing boundaries, being environmentally responsible and redefining experiences makes our products unique and distinctive. There are several reasons to buy our brands:


Our brands are committed to constantly innovating and bringing new products and experiences to our customers. We don't settle for the status quo, we explore and lead the industry, so our products are always forward-thinking and innovative.

2. Beyond the Everyday:

Our brand strives for excellence, and our products not only fulfil basic needs, but also provide our customers with an experience that goes beyond the everyday. Through our products and services, we want our customers to feel the value and experience of something different.

3. Pushing boundaries:

Our brand constantly challenges and breaks through traditional boundaries to bring more possibilities to our customers. We encourage innovative thinking and a sense of adventure, and are committed to providing our customers with products and services that have never been seen before.

4. Environmental Responsibility:

We are environmentally responsible and committed to sustainable development. Our products and manufacturing processes follow environmentally friendly principles to minimise our impact on the environment. By purchasing our brands, customers can be part of an environmentally friendly initiative to protect our home planet.

5. Redefining the experience:

Our brands are committed to redefining the customer experience. We don't just offer products, we focus on creating emotional resonance and personalised service. By purchasing our brands, customers can enjoy a unique shopping experience and service experience.

In summary, buying our brands means you will have unique, innovative, environmentally friendly and personalised products and experiences. Our brands will bring you distinctive value and become an integral part of your life.

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Free shipping on all order.
Free lifetime replacement.
Simply return or exchange.
Excellent service.
LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Geldbörse-Premium Leder

LORZOR-BifW A1 Airtag Geldbörse-Premium Leder



Our brand's tone of blending innovation, transcending the everyday, pushing boundaries, being environmentally responsible and redefining experiences makes our products unique and distinctive.

lmmese yourself in the luxurious touch of finest FULL GRAI LEATHER, exuding a timeless charm that complements any ensemble.
LORZOR elevates ordinary everyday objects into exquisite collector's items by fusing high quality materials, fine craftsmanship and advanced technology.
Handmade wallets are the epitome of craftsmanship and artistry. Each piece is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans who pour their heart and soul into creating unique and exquisite items.

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Jeff G.
Now I never lose my wallet

Great quality for a low price and I never lose my wallet anymore

Quentin W.
Smart tag wallet

It was just the right size and better quality leather than I thought

Dylan Kemp
Ehhhhh, I mean it’s alright

It works fine as a wallet. Has a weird texture that isn’t exactly leather or faux leather type. The quick card access on the non-tagged flag is a really nice touch.

But the point of this wallet is I assume the air tag capability. The button on the inside keeps it in - but the patch of leather on the outside is malleable enough the tag can slide out…in less than a week.

So like, it’s a decent cheap wallet, but not a great AirTag capable wallet, which is unfortunately the entire point.

Beth K
Nice leather wallet

Got it for my son that would lose his brain if it wasn’t attached.

Glenn D
Great Wallet! - Excellent LORZOR Customer Service

Super high quality look and feel. Love the wallet design and the high quality full-grain leather. Holds the Air Tag perfectly! Definitely a 5 star product. Update: Five months later communicated a minor issue with wallet - LORZOR immediately got back to me and resolved,.